
2018年 生体システム生理学研究実績


  1. Partial exposure of frog heart to high-potassium solution: an easily reproducible model mimicking ST segment changes.

    Kon N, Abe N, Miyazaki M, Mushiake H, Kazama I.
    J Vet Med Sci. 2018 Apr 18;80(4):578-582. doi:

  2. Comparison of Laparoscopic and Open Surgery for Colorectal Cancer in Patients with Severe Comorbidities.

    Numata M, Sawazaki S, Morita J, Maezawa Y, Amano S, Aoyama T, Sato T, Oshima T, Mushiake H, Yukawa N, Shiozawa M, Rino Y, Masuda M.
    Anticancer Res. 2018 Feb;38(2):963-967.

  3. Earthworm individualities when facing a conflict between turn alternation and aversive learning

    Tadashi Nakashima, Hajime Mushiake, Kazuhiro sakamoto
    Biophysics and Physicobiology, Vol.15, pp. 159-164
    (中島 匡 医学部4年)


  1. Increasing LFP theta power reflects protecting motor plans from an interruption in primate motor areas
    Ryosuke Hosaka, Hidenori Watanabe, Toshi Nakajima, and Hajime Mushiake
    FENS forum, Berlin, Germany, July 7-11, 2018. (poster) 
  2. ヒスタミン神経系による脳血管運動の制御
    Central histaminergic nerves control the cerebral vasomotion
    大城 朝一  虫明 元
  3. サル皮質運動野におけるベータ脳波の位相ロック
    Phase Locking of β Oscillation in the Monkey Motor Cortical Areas
    渡辺 秀典 虫明 元 高橋 和貴
  4. サル運動野のシータパワーの増加は運動計画の割り込みからの保護を反映する
    Increasing LFP theta power reflects protecting motor plans from an interruption in primate motor areas
    保坂 亮介 渡辺 秀典 中島 敏 虫明 元
  5. 形操作課題中のサル背外側前頭前野の局所場電位
    Local field potentials in monkey dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during a shape-manipulation task
    坂本 一寛 川口 典彦 虫明 元
  6. Neural representation of behavioral tactics and action in three cortical areas in medial frontal lobe:a comparative study
    Neural representation of behavioral tactics and action in three cortical areas in medial frontal lobe:a comparative study
    Awan Muhammad Ali Haider: Hajime Mushiake: Yoshiya Matsuzaka
  7. 多感覚情動刺激に対する瞳孔径応答パターンとEmpathizing-Systemizing尺度
    The relationship between pupil response patterns to multisensory emotional stimuli and Empathizing-Systemizing cognitive traits
    岩本 憲宏 大城 朝一 虫明 元
    (岩本 憲宏 医学部6年)
  8. 情動刺激に対して瞳孔径応答が示す多感覚統合の個人差と性格特性の関係

    岩本 憲宏 大城 朝一  虫明 元
  9. Neuronal activity in primate posterior medial prefrontal cortex during selection of behavioral tactics to transform sensory information into action.
    Neuronal activity in primate posterior medial prefrontal cortex during selection of behavioral tactics to transform sensory information into action.
    Awan Muhammad Ali Haider:: Yoshiya Matsuzaka Hajime Mushiake
    The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain
    5th and 6th December Senri Life Science Center Osaka
