
2015年 生体システム生理学研究実績


  1. Toshinobu Kuki, Kazuyuki Fujihara、 Hideki Miwa, Nobuaki Tamamaki, Yuchio Yanagawa and Hajime Mushiake,

    Contribution of parvalbumin and somatostatin-expressing GABAergic neurons to slow oscillations and the balance in beta-gamma oscillations across cortical layers Front.
    Neural Circuits, 03 February 2015 | doi: 10.3389/fncir.2015.00006

  2. Sumito Okuyama, Toshinobu Kuki & Hajime Mushiake,

    Representation of the Numerosity 'zero' in the Parietal Cortex of the Monkey
    Scientific Reports , (2015) | doi:10.1038/srep10059.

  3. Hosaka R, Nakajima T, Aihara K, Yamaguchi Y, Mushiake H.

    The Suppression of Beta Oscillations in the Primate Supplementary Motor Complex Reflects a Volatile State During the Updating of Action Sequences
    Cereb Cortex. 2015 ahead of print

  4. 奥山 澄人・九鬼 敏伸・虫明 元教授

    Scientific Reports 5 : 10059 doi: 10.1038/srep10059 (2015)

  5. 虫明 元
  6. 虫明 元

    脳神経外科診療プラクティス 6 「 脳神経外科医が知っておくべきニューロサイエンスの知識」



  1. Hajime Mushiake
    Performance monitoring and behavioral adjustment in the medial frontal areas.
    東北大学脳科学センター国際シンポジウム (オックスフォード大・UCL・チューリッヒ大合同)

  2. Yoshiya Matsuzaka
    Role of the primate medial prefrontal cortex in the guidance of action under the presence of multiple response tactics.
    東北大学脳科学センター国際シンポジウム (オックスフォード大・UCL・チューリッヒ大合同)
  3. 大城 朝一
    マカクザルMSTd領域ニューロンにおける異種感覚統合(Multisesnory integration)と神経活動正規化(Divisive normalization)機構
    Divisive normalization during multisensory integration by neurons in macaque area MSTd
  4. 松坂 義哉
    RealEEG: 医学部学生の為の脳波実習用リソースとその実施例
    RealEEG: a toolkit for medical students' training on EEG recording and analysis

  5. 東北大電気通信研A, 東北大医B, CRESTC
    坂本一寛A, 川口典彦B, 八木耕平B, 虫明 元B,C
    サル前頭葉におけるLFP 周波数掃引
    AR.I.E.C. Tohoku Univ., BDept. Physiol. Tohoku Univ. School of Medicine, CCREST.
    K. SakamotoA, N. KawaguchiB, K. YagiB and H. MushiakeB,C
    LFP frequency sweep in the frontal lobe of monkeys

    第70回年次大会(2015年)一般社団法人 日本物理学会

  6. Hidenori Watanabe1, Hidetoshi Komatsu2, Yusuke Kondo2, Yukio Nishimura1
    Antipsychotic drugs for schizophrenia prevented increasing of high-gamma activities in the primary motor cortex of monkeys.

    1National institute for physiological sciences, Aichi, Japan. 2Takeda pharmaceutical company limited, Kanagawa, Japan.

  7. Akitaka Sasagawa, Hajime Mushiake, Yoshiya Matsuzaka
    Dual coding of tactics and action by neurons in primate posterior medial prefrontal cortex

  8. Sakamoto K, Norihiko K, Mushiake H.
    Local field potentials in monkey dorsal premotor cortex during a shape-manipulation task.
  9. Watanabe, Hidenori National Inst. for Physiological Sciences Takahashi, Kazutaka Univ. of Chicago Isa, Tadashi
    Phase Locking and Its Spatiotemporal Dynamics of beta Oscillation in Electrocorticography (ECoG) in the Monkey Motor Cortex at the Onset of EMGs and 3D Reaching Movements (I)
    37th Annual International Conference of the
    IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
  10. Cooperativity between working memory and behavioral planning in the monkey prefrontal cortex.
    Sakamoto K, Saito N, Yoshida S, Mushiake H.
  11. Hajime Mushiake
    Behavioral updating and maintenance in the medial frontal areas.
    Tohoku Univ-NTNU Brain Science Meeting "Joy of Brain Research"
  12. Role of the primate medial prefrontal cortex in the guidance if action under the presence of multiple response tactics

    Yoshiya Matsuzaka

    Tohoku Univ-NTNU Brain Science Meeting "Joy of Brain Research"

  13. A key prediction of the divisive normalization model of multisensory integration demonstrated in macaque area MSTd

    Tomokazu Ohshiro

    Tohoku Univ-NTNU Brain Science Meeting "Joy of Brain Research"

  14. Fine dynamics of local field potentials in monkey prefrontal circuits during a shape-manipulation task

    Kazuhiro Sakamoto

    Tohoku Univ-NTNU Brain Science Meeting "Joy of Brain Research"

  15. Amplitude and phase of beta oscillation in electrocorticography in the monkey motor cortex at the onset of reaching movements

    Hidenori Watanabe

    Tohoku Univ-NTNU Brain Science Meeting "Joy of Brain Research"

  16. The Beta power suppression in early delay period reflects volatile state in updating action sequence in the primate medial motor complex 45th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience,.

    R. Hosaka, T. Nakajima, K. Aihara, Y. Yamaguchi, H. Mushiake

    Chicago IL, USA. Poster 427.02

  17. Representational transition from behavioral tactics into action by neurons in primate posterior medial prefrontal cortex 45th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience,

    Y. Matsuzaka, A. Sasagawa, H. Mushiake

    Chicago IL, USA. Poster 531.20

  18. Two types of representations for numerosity 'zero' in the parietal cortex of the monkey 45th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience,

    S. Okuyama, H. Mushiake

    Chicago IL, USA. Poster 533.10
