1996年 生体システム生理学研究実績
- Tanji J and Shima K.
Supplementary motor cortex in organization of movement.
Eur. Neurol. 36: 13-19 1996
- Tanji J and Shima K.
Contrast of neuronal activity between the supplemental motor area and other
cortical motor areas.
Adv Neurol. 70 :95-103 1996
- Marsden CD, Deecke L, Freund HJ, Hallett M, Passingham RE, Shibasaki H,
Tanji J, and Wiesendanger M.
The functions of the supplementary motor area. Summary of a workshop.
Adv Neurol. 70: 477-87 1996
- Tanji J and Mushiake H.
Comparison of neuronal activity in the supplementary motor areaand
primary motor cortex.
Cogn. Brain Res.3: 143-150 1996
- Sakai ST, Inase M, and Tanji J.
Comparison of cerebellothalamic and pallidothalamic projectionsin
the monkey (macaca fuscata): a double anterograde labeling study.
J. Comp. Neurol. 368: 215-228 1996
- Mushiake H, Fujii N, and Tanji J.
Visually guded saccade versus eye-hand reach: contrasting neuronalactivity
in the cortical supplementary and frontal eye fields.
J. Neurophysiol. 75: 2187-2191 1996
- Shima K, Mushiake H, Saito N, and Tanji J.
Role for cells in the presupplementary motor area in updating motor plans.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 93: 8694-8698 1996
- Shima K, Hoshi E, and Tanji J.
Neuronal activity in the claustrum of the monkey during performanceof
multiple movements.
J. Neurophysiol. 75: 2115-2119 1996
- Inase M, Sakai ST, and Tanji J.
Overlapping corticostriatal projections from the supplementary motorarea
and the primary motor cortex in the macaque monkey: an anterogradedouble
labeling study.
J. Comp. Neurol.373: 283-296 1996
- Matsuzaka Y and Tanji J.
Changing directions of forthcoming arm movements: Neuronal activityin the
presupplementary and supplementary motor area of monkey cerebral cortex.
J. Neurophysiol. 76: 2327-2342 1996
- Tanji
New concepts of the supplementary motor area.
Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 6: 782-787 1996
- Tanji J, Shima K, and Mushiake H.
Multiple cortical motor areas and temporal sequencing of movements.
Cogn. Brain Res. 5: 117-122 1996
- Tanji J & Shima K.
Contrast of neuronal activity between the supplementary motor areaand
other cortical motor areas. In: Advances in Neurology.
Eds. Hans O. L歸ers. Lippincott-Raven 1996
- Tanji J.
Involvement of motor areas in the medial frontal cortex of primatesin
tempo ral sequencing of multiple movements. In: Vision and MovementMechanisms
in the Cerebral Cortex.
Eds. Caminiti, R. et al. HFSP, Strasbourg, pp. 63-70 1996
- Tanji J, Shima K, Mushiake H & Matsuzaka Y.
Motor areas in the medial frontal cortex of primates: differencesin neurona
l activity. In Perception, memory and emotion: frontiers neuroscience.
. Eds. T Ono, BL McNaughton, S Molotchnikoff, ET Rolls & H Nishijo.Pergamon,
Oxford. 421-432 1996
- Inase M, Sakai ST & Tanji J.
Overlapping striatal distribution of cortical inputs from the primaryand
su pplementary motor areas in the macaque monkey. In: Basal GangliaV. Eds. Ohye et al. Plenum Press, New York. 11-17 1996
- 虫明 元,丹治 順
Clinical Neuroscience 14: 228 1996
- 丹治 順
意思による運動 脳研究の最前線-遺伝子から知能へ- 第10回『大学と科学』公開シンポジウム組織委員会編 クバプロ 115-124 1996
- 蔵田 潔
臨床脳波、38: 158-161, 1996
- 蔵田 潔
臨床科学 32: 1611-1615, 1996.
- 蔵田 潔
J. Clinical Rehabilitation 6: 123-126, 1996
- Shima K, Hoshi E & Tanji J.
Neuronal activity in the putamen and claustrum during performanceof
multipl e movements.
Soc. Neuro. Sci. Abstr. 431.5 1996
- Fujii N, Mushiake H & Tanji J.
Rostrocaudal diggerentiation of dorsal premotor cortex with physiological
Soc. Neuro. Sci. Abstr. 796.1 1996
- Matsuzaka Y & Tanji j.
Roles played by pre-sma and sma in changing the direction of intended movements.
Jpn. J. Physiol. 46 Suppl., 586 1996
- Fujii N, Mushiake H, Tanji J.
Microstimulation of the supplementary eye field evokes intended saccades dur ing saccade preparation.Jpn. J. Physiol. 46 Supple., 584 1996
- Shima K, Hoshi E & Tanji J.
Neurons in the claustrum of the monkey are nonselectively activein
relation to multiple arm movements.
Jpn. J. Physiol. 46 Suppl., 585 1996
- Tanji J.
Neuronal activity in multiple motor areas in temporal sequencingof
Neural control of spatial behavior. 24 1996
- 丹治 順
神経研究の進歩 医学書院 40: 997-1000 1996