
1996年 生体システム生理学研究実績


  1. Tanji J and Shima K.
    Supplementary motor cortex in organization of movement.
    Eur. Neurol. 36: 13-19 1996
  2. Tanji J and Shima K.
    Contrast of neuronal activity between the supplemental motor area and other cortical motor areas.

    Adv Neurol. 70 :95-103 1996
  3. Marsden CD, Deecke L, Freund HJ, Hallett M, Passingham RE, Shibasaki H, Tanji J, and Wiesendanger M.
    The functions of the supplementary motor area. Summary of a workshop.

    Adv Neurol. 70: 477-87 1996
  4. Tanji J and Mushiake H.
    Comparison of neuronal activity in the supplementary motor areaand primary motor cortex.
    Cogn. Brain Res.3: 143-150 1996
  5. Sakai ST, Inase M, and Tanji J.
    Comparison of cerebellothalamic and pallidothalamic projectionsin the monkey (macaca fuscata): a double anterograde labeling study.
    J. Comp. Neurol. 368: 215-228 1996
  6. Mushiake H, Fujii N, and Tanji J.
    Visually guded saccade versus eye-hand reach: contrasting neuronalactivity in the cortical supplementary and frontal eye fields.
    J. Neurophysiol. 75: 2187-2191 1996
  7. Shima K, Mushiake H, Saito N, and Tanji J.
    Role for cells in the presupplementary motor area in updating motor plans.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 93: 8694-8698 1996
  8. Shima K, Hoshi E, and Tanji J.
    Neuronal activity in the claustrum of the monkey during performanceof multiple movements.
    J. Neurophysiol. 75: 2115-2119 1996
  9. Inase M, Sakai ST, and Tanji J.
    Overlapping corticostriatal projections from the supplementary motorarea and the primary motor cortex in the macaque monkey: an anterogradedouble labeling study.
    J. Comp. Neurol.373: 283-296 1996
  10. Matsuzaka Y and Tanji J.
    Changing directions of forthcoming arm movements: Neuronal activityin the presupplementary and supplementary motor area of monkey cerebral cortex.
    J. Neurophysiol. 76: 2327-2342 1996
  11. Tanji J.
    New concepts of the supplementary motor area.
    Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 6: 782-787 1996
  12. Tanji J, Shima K, and Mushiake H.
    Multiple cortical motor areas and temporal sequencing of movements.
    Cogn. Brain Res. 5: 117-122 1996

  13. Tanji J & Shima K.
    Contrast of neuronal activity between the supplementary motor areaand other cortical motor areas. In: Advances in Neurology.
    Eds. Hans O. L歸ers. Lippincott-Raven 1996
  14. Tanji J.
    Involvement of motor areas in the medial frontal cortex of primatesin tempo ral sequencing of multiple movements. In: Vision and MovementMechanisms in the Cerebral Cortex.
    Eds. Caminiti, R. et al. HFSP, Strasbourg, pp. 63-70 1996
  15. Tanji J, Shima K, Mushiake H & Matsuzaka Y.
    Motor areas in the medial frontal cortex of primates: differencesin neurona l activity. In Perception, memory and emotion: frontiers neuroscience.
    . Eds. T Ono, BL McNaughton, S Molotchnikoff, ET Rolls & H Nishijo.Pergamon, Oxford. 421-432 1996
  16. Inase M, Sakai ST & Tanji J.
    Overlapping striatal distribution of cortical inputs from the primaryand su pplementary motor areas in the macaque monkey. In: Basal GangliaV. Eds. Ohye et al. Plenum Press, New York. 11-17 1996
  17. 虫明 元,丹治 順
    Clinical Neuroscience 14: 228 1996
  18. 丹治 順
    意思による運動 脳研究の最前線-遺伝子から知能へ- 第10回『大学と科学』公開シンポジウム組織委員会編 クバプロ 115-124 1996
  19. 蔵田 潔
    臨床脳波、38: 158-161, 1996
  20. 蔵田 潔
    臨床科学 32: 1611-1615, 1996.
  21. 蔵田 潔
    J. Clinical Rehabilitation 6: 123-126, 1996


  1. Shima K, Hoshi E & Tanji J.
    Neuronal activity in the putamen and claustrum during performanceof multipl e movements.
    Soc. Neuro. Sci. Abstr. 431.5 1996
  2. Fujii N, Mushiake H & Tanji J.
    Rostrocaudal diggerentiation of dorsal premotor cortex with physiological criteria.
    Soc. Neuro. Sci. Abstr. 796.1 1996
  3. Matsuzaka Y & Tanji j.
    Roles played by pre-sma and sma in changing the direction of intended movements.
    Jpn. J. Physiol. 46 Suppl., 586 1996
  4. Fujii N, Mushiake H, Tanji J.
    Microstimulation of the supplementary eye field evokes intended saccades dur ing saccade preparation.Jpn. J. Physiol. 46 Supple., 584 1996
  5. Shima K, Hoshi E & Tanji J.
    Neurons in the claustrum of the monkey are nonselectively activein relation to multiple arm movements.
    Jpn. J. Physiol. 46 Suppl., 585 1996
  6. Tanji J.
    Neuronal activity in multiple motor areas in temporal sequencingof movements.
    Neural control of spatial behavior. 24 1996
  7. 丹治 順
    神経研究の進歩 医学書院 40: 997-1000 1996
