
2004年 生体システム生理学研究実績


  1. Hoshi E and Tanji J.
    Differential roles of neuronal activity in the supplementary and presupplementary motor areas: From information retrieval to motor planning and execution.
    J Neurophysiol.
  2. Isoda M, Tsutsui K, Katsuyama N, Naganuma T, Saito N, Furusawa Y, Mushiake H, Taira M and Tanji J.
    Design of a head fixation device for experiments in behaving monkeys.
    Journal of Neuroscience Methods.
  3. Wang Y, Matsuzaka Y, Shima K and Tanji J.
    Cingulate cortical cells projecting to monkey frontal eye field and primary motor cortex.
    Neuroreport. 15(10):1559-1563.
  4. Isoda M and Tanji J.
    Participation of the primate presupplementary motor area in sequencing multiple saccades.
    J Neurophysiol. 92(1):653-9
  5. Hoshi E and Tanji J.
    Area-selective Neuronal Activity in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex for Information Retrieval and Action Planning.
    J Neurophysiol. 91(6):2707-22
  6. Ninokura Y, Mushiake H and Tanji J.
    Integration of temporal order and object information in the monkey lateral
    prefrontal cortex.

    J Neurophysiol. 91(1): 555-60.
  7. Hoshi E and Tanji J.
    Functional specialization in dorsal and ventral premotor areas.
    Prog Brain Res. 143: 507-11
