
2005年 生体システム生理学研究実績


  1. Saito N, Mushiake H, Sakamoto K, Itoyama Y, and Tanji J.
    Representation of immediate and final behavioral goals in the monkey prefrontal cortex during an instructed delay period.
    Cereb Cortex.
  2. Hoshi E, Sawamura H, and Tanji J.
    Neurons in the rostral cingulate motor area monitor multiple phases of visuomotor behavior with modest parametric selectivity.
    J Neurophysiol.
  3. Isoda M.
    Context-dependent stimulation effects on saccade initiation in the presupplementary motor area of the monkey.
    J Neurophysiol.
  4. Ochiai T Mushiake H, and Tanji J.
    Involvement of the ventral premotor cortex in controlling image motion.
    Cereb Cortex.
  5. Isoda M, Tsutsui K, Katsuyama N, Naganuma T, Saito N, Furusawa Y, Mushiake H, Taira M, and Tanji J.
    Design of a head fixation device for experiments in behaving monkeys.
    J Neurosci Methods. 141(2):277-82.
  6. Wang Y, Isoda M, Matsuzaka Y, Shima K, Tanji J.
    Prefrontal cortical cells projecting to the supplementary eye field and presupplementary motor area in the monkey.
    Neurosci Res. 2005 Sep;53(1):1-7.
