2005年 生体システム生理学研究実績
- Saito N, Mushiake H, Sakamoto K, Itoyama Y, and Tanji J.
Representation of immediate and final behavioral goals in the monkey prefrontal cortex during an instructed delay period.
Cereb Cortex.
- Hoshi E, Sawamura H, and Tanji J.
Neurons in the rostral cingulate motor area monitor multiple phases of
visuomotor behavior with modest parametric selectivity.
J Neurophysiol.
- Isoda M.
Context-dependent stimulation effects on saccade initiation in the presupplementary motor area of the monkey.
J Neurophysiol.
- Ochiai T Mushiake H, and Tanji J.
Involvement of the ventral premotor cortex in controlling image motion.
Cereb Cortex.
- Isoda M, Tsutsui K, Katsuyama N, Naganuma T, Saito N, Furusawa Y, Mushiake
H, Taira M, and Tanji J.
Design of a head fixation device for experiments in behaving monkeys.
J Neurosci Methods. 141(2):277-82.
- Wang Y, Isoda M, Matsuzaka Y, Shima K, Tanji J.
Prefrontal cortical cells projecting to the supplementary eye field and
presupplementary motor area in the monkey.
Neurosci Res. 2005 Sep;53(1):1-7.