
1993年 生体システム生理学研究実績


  1. Tokuno H, Kimura M & Tanji J.
    Pallidal inputs to thalamocortical neurons projecting to the supplementary motor area: an anterograde and retrograde double labeling study in the macaque monkey.
    Exp. Brain Res. 90: 635-638 1993
  2. Halsband U, ItoM, Tanji J & Freund, H.J.
    The role of premotor cortex and the supplementary motor area in the temporal control of movement in man.
    Brain 116: 243-266 1993
  3. Shima, K., Tanji, J.
    Involvement of NMDA and non-NMDA receptors in motor task-related activity in the primary and secondary cortical motor areas of the monkey.
    Cerebral Cortex 3: 330-347 1993
  4. Tokuno,H., Tanji,J.
    Input organization of distal and proximalforelimb areas in the monkeyprima ry motor cortex: a retrograde double labeling sutudy.
    J. Comp. Neurol. 333: 199-209 1993
  5. Kurata, K.
    Motor programming in the premotor cortex: amplitude vs. direction coding in neuronal activity.
    Biomedical Res. Suppl. 1: 11-12, 1993
  6. Kurata, K.
    Premotor cortex of monkeys: set and movement related activity reflecting amplitude and direction of wrist movements.
    J. Neurophysiol. 69: 187-200 1993
  7. Strick, P.L., Hoover, J.E., Mushiake, H.
    Evidence for "output channels" in the basal ganglia and cerebellum.In: Role of the Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia in Voluntary Movement.
    Ed. by Mano,N., Hamada, I., and Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam., 171-1801993
  8. Mushiake, H., Strick, P.L.
    Preferential activity of dentate neurons during limb movements guidedby vision.
    J. Neurophysiol. 70: 2660-2664 1993
  9. Aizawa, H., Tanji, J.
    Roles of corticocortical and thalamocortical inputs to the primarymotor cor tex of monkey. In. Role of The Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia in Voluntary Movement.
    Ed. by Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam 247-251 1993
  10. Tanji, J., Mushiake, H.& Inase, M.
    Premotor and Supplementary motor cortex in sequential motor tasks.in: Brai n Mechanisms of Perception and Memory: From Neuron to behavior
    Ed. by .Ono,T.,Squire, D.I. Perrett & M. Fukuda, Oxford press pp.464-472
  11. Ed. Tanji, J.,Hikosaka, O., Yamagishi, S., Ebashi, S.
    Voluntary motor control by the brain
    Biomedical Research Foundation, Tokyo. 14:(Suppl.1) 1-88 (1993)
  12. 丹治 順
    学術月報 第46巻 第5号 432-437 1993
  13. 丹治 順
    筋運動制御系 星宮 望、赤澤 堅造編 昭晃堂 73-105 1993
  14. 蔵田 潔,丹治 順
    感覚統合研究 第6集 協同医書出版社 91-107 1993
  15. 丹治 順,虫明 元
    BRAIN and NERVE 医学書院 第45巻 第7号 617-626 1993
  16. 丹治 順,嶋 啓節
    神経心理学・第1巻第1号 日本神経心理学会 14-22 1993
  17. 嶋 啓節,丹治 順
    運動の認知的制御とその可塑性 理学療法ジャーナル 第27巻 第9号 612-6171993
  18. 論文  Kurata, K.:
    Premotor cortex of monkeys: set- and movement-related activity reflecting amplitude and direction.
    J. Neurophysiol., 69:187-200, 1993.
  19. 著書  蔵田 潔、丹治 順: 
    MBEトピックスシリーズ第3巻、 筋運動制御系、星宮望・赤沢堅造編著,1993,pp. 73-105.
  20. 総説  Kurata, K.:
    Motor programming in the premotor cortex: amplitude vs. direction coding in neuronal activity.
    Biomed. Res. 14 Suppl. 1: 11-12, 1993.
  21. 蔵田 潔: 
    神経治療学, 10: 565-568, 1993.
