1993年 生体システム生理学研究実績
- Tokuno H, Kimura M & Tanji J.
Pallidal inputs to thalamocortical neurons projecting to the supplementary
motor area: an anterograde and retrograde double labeling study in the
macaque monkey.
Exp. Brain Res. 90: 635-638 1993
- Halsband U, ItoM, Tanji J & Freund, H.J.
The role of premotor cortex and the supplementary motor area in the temporal control of movement in man.
Brain 116: 243-266 1993
- Shima, K., Tanji, J.
Involvement of NMDA and non-NMDA receptors in motor task-related activity
in the primary and secondary cortical motor areas of the monkey.
Cerebral Cortex 3: 330-347 1993
- Tokuno,H., Tanji,J.
Input organization of distal and proximalforelimb areas in the monkeyprima ry motor cortex: a retrograde double labeling sutudy.
J. Comp. Neurol. 333: 199-209 1993
- Kurata, K.
Motor programming in the premotor cortex: amplitude vs. direction coding
in neuronal activity.
Biomedical Res. Suppl. 1: 11-12, 1993
- Kurata, K.
Premotor cortex of monkeys: set and movement related activity reflecting
amplitude and direction of wrist movements.
J. Neurophysiol. 69: 187-200 1993
- Strick, P.L., Hoover, J.E., Mushiake, H.
Evidence for "output channels" in the basal ganglia and cerebellum.In:
Role of the Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia in Voluntary Movement.
Ed. by Mano,N., Hamada, I., and Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam., 171-1801993
- Mushiake, H., Strick, P.L.
Preferential activity of dentate neurons during limb movements guidedby
J. Neurophysiol. 70: 2660-2664 1993
- Aizawa, H., Tanji, J.
Roles of corticocortical and thalamocortical inputs to the primarymotor
cor tex of monkey. In. Role of The Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia in Voluntary
Ed. by Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam 247-251 1993
- Tanji, J., Mushiake, H.& Inase, M.
Premotor and Supplementary motor cortex in sequential motor tasks.in: Brai
n Mechanisms of Perception and Memory: From Neuron to behavior
Ed. by .Ono,T.,Squire, D.I. Perrett & M. Fukuda, Oxford press pp.464-472
- Ed. Tanji, J.,Hikosaka, O., Yamagishi, S., Ebashi, S.
Voluntary motor control by the brain
Biomedical Research Foundation, Tokyo. 14:(Suppl.1) 1-88 (1993)
- 丹治 順
学術月報 第46巻 第5号 432-437 1993
- 丹治 順
筋運動制御系 星宮 望、赤澤 堅造編 昭晃堂 73-105 1993
- 蔵田 潔,丹治 順
感覚統合研究 第6集 協同医書出版社 91-107 1993
- 丹治 順,虫明 元
BRAIN and NERVE 医学書院 第45巻 第7号 617-626 1993
- 丹治 順,嶋 啓節
神経心理学・第1巻第1号 日本神経心理学会 14-22 1993
- 嶋 啓節,丹治 順
運動の認知的制御とその可塑性 理学療法ジャーナル 第27巻 第9号 612-6171993
- 論文 Kurata, K.:
Premotor cortex of monkeys: set- and movement-related activity reflecting
amplitude and direction.
J. Neurophysiol., 69:187-200, 1993.
- 著書 蔵田 潔、丹治 順:
MBEトピックスシリーズ第3巻、 筋運動制御系、星宮望・赤沢堅造編著,1993,pp. 73-105.
- 総説 Kurata, K.:
Motor programming in the premotor cortex: amplitude vs. direction coding in neuronal activity.
Biomed. Res. 14 Suppl. 1: 11-12, 1993.
- 蔵田 潔:
神経治療学, 10: 565-568, 1993.