2006年 生体システム生理学研究実績
- Shima, K. and Tanji, J.
Binary-coded monitoring of a behavioral sequence by cells in the supplementary
motor area.
J. Neurosci. 26: 2579-2582
- Hoshi E.
Functional specialization within the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: a review of anatomical and physiological studies of non-human primates.
Neurosci Res. 2006 Feb;54(2):73-84.
- Hoshi E, Tanji J.
Differential involvement of neurons in the dorsal and ventral premotor
cortex during processing of visual signals for action planning.
J Neurophysiol. 2006 Feb 22;
Mushiake H, Saito N, Sakamoto K, Itoyama Y, Tanji J.
Activity in the lateral prefrontal cortex reflects multiple steps of future events in action plans.
Neuron. 2006 May 18;50(4):631-41.
- 丹治 順、嶋 啓節、星 英司
神経研究の進歩 50: 98-10