
1994年 生体システム生理学研究実績


  1. Aizawa H and Tanji J.
    Corticocortical and thalamocortical responses of neurons in the monkey primary motor cortex and their relation to a trained motor task.
    J. Neurophysiol. 71: 550-560 1994
  2. Tanji J.
    The supplementary motor area in the cerebral cortex.
    Neurosci. Res. 19: 251-268 1994
  3. Halsband U, Matsuzaka Y, and Tanji J.
    Neuronal activity in the primate supplementary, pre-supplementary and premotor cortex during externally and internally instructed sequential movements.
    Neurosci. Res. 20: 149-155 1994
  4. Tanji J and Shima K.
    Role for supplementary motor area cells in planning several movements ahead.
    Nature 371: 413-416 1994
  5. Inase M and Tanji J.
    Projections from the globus pallidus to the thalamic areas projecting to the dorsal area 6 of the macaque monkeys: a multiple tracing study.
    Neurosci. Lett. 180: 135-137 1994
  6. Tanji J:
    Motor areas of the cerebral cortex-new vistas.
    Kor J Physiol 1994
  7. Kurata K and Hoffman DS.
    Differential effects of muscimol microinjection into dorsal andventral aspects of the premotor cortex of monkeys.
    J. Neurophysiol. 71: 1151-1164
  8. Kurata K.
    Information processing for motor control in primate premotor cortex.
    Behav. Brain Res. 61: 135-142 1994
  9. Kurata K.
    Site of origin of projections from the thalamus to dorsal versusventral aspects of the premotor cortex of monkeys.
    Neurosci. Res. 21: 71-76 1994
  10. 虫明 元、丹治 順  
    計測と制御33:255-262 1994
  11. 嶋 啓節、虫明 元、丹治 順  
    Supplementary motor area Inモダンコンセプト
    神経内科(栗原照幸、田代邦雄、水野美邦編)12-14 医学書院 1994
  12. 稲瀬 正彦、丹治 順
    前頭葉性行為障害の生理学的背景神経研究の進歩 38: 655-666 1994
  13. 丹治 順、松坂 義哉
    In脳機能の解明(赤池紀扶、 小暮久也編) 200-211 創風社 1994
  14. 蔵田 潔
    生物物 理. 34:9-13 1994
  15. 蔵田 潔
    Imago. 5-14: 86-95 1994
