Tohoku University School of Medicine

Department of Physiology

past achievements

Research achievements of Department of Physiology (1980-1995)


  1. Inase M and Tanji J.
    Thalamic distribution of projection neurons to the primary motor cortexrelative to afferent terminal fields from the globus pallidus in the macaque monkey.
    J. Comp. Neurol. 353:415-426 1995
  2. Shindo K, Shima K, and Tanji J.
    Spatial distribution of thalamic projections to the supplementary motora area the primary motor cortex: a retrograde multiple labeling study in the macaque monkey.
    J. Comp. Neurol. 357: 98-116 1995
  3. Fujii N, Mushiake H, Tamai M, and Tanji J.
    Microstimulation of the supplementary eye field during saccade preparation.
    NeuroReport 6:2565-2568 1995
  4. Mushiake H and Strick PL.
    Pallidal neuron activity during sequential arm movements.
    J. Neurophysiol. 64: 2754-2758 1995
  5. Strick PL, Dum RP & Mushiake H.
    Basal ganglia 'loops" with the cerebrral cortex.
    Functions of the cortico-basal ganglia loop. 106-124
    Eds. Kimura & Graybiel AM. Springer 1995
  6. Tanji J, Shima K, Matsuzaka Y & Halsband U.
    Neuronal activity in the supplementary, presupplementary, and premotor cortex of monkey.
    Functions of the cortico-basal ganglia loop. with 85 illustrations.154-165
    Eds. Kimura & Graybiel AM. Springer 1995
  7. 丹治 順,松坂義哉
    特集:補足運動野と運動前野 解剖と機能に関する最近の考え方
    神経内科 42:99-106 1995
  8. 丹治 順 
    特集:神経科学の謎 運動指令は大脳皮質でいかに形成されるのか
    生体 の科学 46(1):55-59 1995
  9. 虫明 元,丹治 順
    大脳皮質の構造と機能 大脳運動野の機能分化
    蛋白質 核酸 酵 素 40(6):807-237 1995
  10. 丹治 順,嶋 啓節,虫明 元,松坂義哉,稲瀬正彦
    1.一次運動野と高次運動野の 役割
    日本生理学雑誌 57(増刊号):85-95 1995
  11. 丹治 順,相沢 寛
    医学のあゆみ 174(7):654-655 1995
  12. 丹治 順,嶋 啓節,虫明 元
    BRAIN MEDICAL 7 (3):73-78 1995
  13. 丹治 順
    大脳運動関連領の機能 大脳皮質運動領野
    神経科学の基礎と臨床・ 板倉  徹,前田敏博編著
    ブレーン出版11-25 1995
  14. 蔵田 潔
    Clinical Neuroscience別冊 13(4): 390(14)- 393(17) 1995
  15. 蔵田 潔
    Clinical Calcium 5:277-1281 1995
  16. 蔵田 潔
    脳と神経 47:1135-1142 1995
  17. 虫明 元
    神経研究の進歩 39:277-289 1995



  1. Aizawa H and Tanji J.
    Corticocortical and thalamocortical responses of neurons in the monkey primary motor cortex and their relation to a trained motor task.
    J. Neurophysiol. 71: 550-560 1994
  2. Tanji J.
    The supplementary motor area in the cerebral cortex.
    Neurosci. Res. 19: 251-268 1994
  3. Halsband U, Matsuzaka Y, and Tanji J.
    Neuronal activity in the primate supplementary, pre-supplementary and premotor cortex during externally and internally instructed sequential movements.
    Neurosci. Res. 20: 149-155 1994
  4. Tanji J and Shima K.
    Role for supplementary motor area cells in planning several movements ahead.
    Nature 371: 413-416 1994
  5. Inase M and Tanji J.
    Projections from the globus pallidus to the thalamic areas projecting to the dorsal area 6 of the macaque monkeys: a multiple tracing study.
    Neurosci. Lett. 180: 135-137 1994
  6. Tanji J:
    Motor areas of the cerebral cortex-new vistas.
    Kor J Physiol 1994
  7. Kurata K and Hoffman DS.
    Differential effects of muscimol microinjection into dorsal andventral aspects of the premotor cortex of monkeys.
    J. Neurophysiol. 71: 1151-1164
  8. Kurata K.
    Information processing for motor control in primate premotor cortex.
    Behav. Brain Res. 61: 135-142 1994
  9. Kurata K.
    Site of origin of projections from the thalamus to dorsal versusventral aspects of the premotor cortex of monkeys.
    Neurosci. Res. 21: 71-76 1994
  10. 虫明 元、丹治 順  
    計測と制御33:255-262 1994
  11. 嶋 啓節、虫明 元、丹治 順  
    Supplementary motor area Inモダンコンセプト
    神経内科(栗原照幸、田代邦雄、水野美邦編)12-14 医学書院 1994
  12. 稲瀬 正彦、丹治 順
    前頭葉性行為障害の生理学的背景神経研究の進歩 38: 655-666 1994
  13. 丹治 順、松坂 義哉
    In脳機能の解明(赤池紀扶、 小暮久也編) 200-211 創風社 1994
  14. 蔵田 潔
    生物物 理. 34:9-13 1994
  15. 蔵田 潔
    Imago. 5-14: 86-95 1994



  1. Tokuno H, Kimura M & Tanji J.
    Pallidal inputs to thalamocortical neurons projecting to the supplementary motor area: an anterograde and retrograde double labeling study in the macaque monkey.
    Exp. Brain Res. 90: 635-638 1993
  2. Halsband U, ItoM, Tanji J & Freund, H.J.
    The role of premotor cortex and the supplementary motor area in the temporal control of movement in man.
    Brain 116: 243-266 1993
  3. Shima, K., Tanji, J.
    Involvement of NMDA and non-NMDA receptors in motor task-related activity in the primary and secondary cortical motor areas of the monkey.
    Cerebral Cortex 3: 330-347 1993
  4. Tokuno,H., Tanji,J.
    Input organization of distal and proximalforelimb areas in the monkeyprima ry motor cortex: a retrograde double labeling sutudy.
    J. Comp. Neurol. 333: 199-209 1993
  5. Kurata, K.
    Motor programming in the premotor cortex: amplitude vs. direction coding in neuronal activity.
    Biomedical Res. Suppl. 1: 11-12, 1993
  6. Kurata, K.
    Premotor cortex of monkeys: set and movement related activity reflecting amplitude and direction of wrist movements.
    J. Neurophysiol. 69: 187-200 1993
  7. Strick, P.L., Hoover, J.E., Mushiake, H.
    Evidence for "output channels" in the basal ganglia and cerebellum.In: Role of the Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia in Voluntary Movement.
    Ed. by Mano,N., Hamada, I., and Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam., 171-1801993
  8. Mushiake, H., Strick, P.L.
    Preferential activity of dentate neurons during limb movements guidedby vision.
    J. Neurophysiol. 70: 2660-2664 1993
  9. Aizawa, H., Tanji, J.
    Roles of corticocortical and thalamocortical inputs to the primarymotor cor tex of monkey. In. Role of The Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia in Voluntary Movement.
    Ed. by Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam 247-251 1993
  10. Tanji, J., Mushiake, H.& Inase, M.
    Premotor and Supplementary motor cortex in sequential motor Brai n Mechanisms of Perception and Memory: From Neuron to behavior
    Ed. by .Ono,T.,Squire, D.I. Perrett & M. Fukuda, Oxford press pp.464-472
  11. Ed. Tanji, J.,Hikosaka, O., Yamagishi, S., Ebashi, S.
    Voluntary motor control by the brain
    Biomedical Research Foundation, Tokyo. 14:(Suppl.1) 1-88 (1993)
  12. 丹治 順
    学術月報 第46巻 第5号 432-437 1993
  13. 丹治 順
    筋運動制御系 星宮 望、赤澤 堅造編 昭晃堂 73-105 1993
  14. 蔵田 潔,丹治 順
    感覚統合研究 第6集 協同医書出版社 91-107 1993
  15. 丹治 順,虫明 元
    BRAIN and NERVE 医学書院 第45巻 第7号 617-626 1993
  16. 丹治 順,嶋 啓節
    神経心理学・第1巻第1号 日本神経心理学会 14-22 1993
  17. 嶋 啓節,丹治 順
    運動の認知的制御とその可塑性 理学療法ジャーナル 第27巻 第9号 612-6171993
  18. 論文  Kurata, K.:
    Premotor cortex of monkeys: set- and movement-related activity reflecting amplitude and direction.
    J. Neurophysiol., 69:187-200, 1993.
  19. 著書  蔵田 潔、丹治 順: 
    MBEトピックスシリーズ第3巻、 筋運動制御系、星宮望・赤沢堅造編著,1993,pp. 73-105.
  20. 総説  Kurata, K.:
    Motor programming in the premotor cortex: amplitude vs. direction coding in neuronal activity.
    Biomed. Res. 14 Suppl. 1: 11-12, 1993.
  21. 蔵田 潔: 
    神経治療学, 10: 565-568, 1993.



  1. Matuzaka, Y., Aizawa, H. and Tanji, J.
    A Motor Area Rostral to the Supplementary Motor Area (Presupplementary Motor Area) in the Monkey : Neuronal Activity During a Learned Moter Task.
    J. Neurophysiol. 68:653-662 1992
  2. Tokuno, H., Kimura, M. and Tanji, J.
    Pallidal inputs to thalamocortical neurons projecting to the supplementary motor area : an anterograde and retrograde double labeling study in thema caque monkey.
    Exp Brain res. 90: 635-638 1992
  3. Laihinen, A., Rinne, J.O., Rinne, U.K., Ruottinen, H., Tanji, J., Shima,K., Itoh, M., Fujiyama, T., Bergman, J., Haaparanta, M., Solin, O., Takahasi, T., Iwata, R., Ruotsalainen, U., Ido, T.
    [18F]6-Fluorodopa pet scanning after selective COMT inhibitionwith enta capone (or-611) : Studies in human and primate brains.
    ANN. UNIV. TURK. 88:85-86 1992
  4. Halsband, U. Left hemisphere preponderance in trajectorial learning.
    NeuroReport 3: 397-400 1992
  5. Kurata, K.
    Somatotopy in the human supplementary motor area.
    Trends in Neurosciences. 15: 159-160 1992
  6. Tanji, J.
    Cortical area-specific activity not yet found?
    Behavioral Brain Sci. 15: 800-801
  7. 丹治 順
    Clinical Neuroscience, 中外医学社 vol:10 No.1:43-48 1992
  8. 丹治 順, 嶋 啓節
    医学のあゆみ Vol.161 No.11:855-858 1992
  9. Kurata, K.
    Many motor areas exist in the cerebral cortex of macaquw monkeys.
    Jap. J. Physiol. 42: S5 1992
  10. Aizawa, H. and Tanji. J.
    The relationship between afferent inputs and discharge propertiesof neuron s in the monkey primary motor cortex.
    Jap. J. Physiol. 42: S209 1992
  11. Shima, K., Shindo, K. and Tanji, J.
    The effects of glutamate antagonists on the neuronal activity inthe primary motor cortex, premotor cortex and supplementary motor are ofthe monkey dur ing motor performance.
    Jap. J. Physiol. 42: S209 1992
  12. Tokuno, H. and Tanji, J.
    A double labeling study on inputs to the forelimb region of theprimary moto r cortex in the monkey.
    Neurosci. Res. Suppl. 17: S228
  13. Laihinen, A., Rinne, J.O., Rinne, U.K., Ruottinen, H., Tanji, J., Shima,K., Itoh, M., Fujiyama, T., Bergman, J., Haaparanta, M., Solin, O., Takahasi, T., Iwata, R., Ruotsalainen, U., Ido, T.
    18F-6-fluorodopa PET imaging of the brain after selective COMT inhibition.
    P roc. Scand. Congr. Neurol. Suppl. 138: 76 1992
  14. Mushiake, H. and Strick, P.L.
    Activity of dentate neurons during sequwnrial movements.
    Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 18: 1046 1992
  15. Shima, K. and Tanji, J.
    NMDA as well as non-NMDA receptors are involved in motor lochtask-relatedne uronal activity in the motor cortex of awake monkeys.
    Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 18: 216 1992
  16. 総説  Kurata, K.:
    Somatotopy in the human supplementary motor area.
    TINS 15:159-160, 1992.



  1. Mushiake H, Inase M, Tanji J.
    Neuronal activity in the primate premotor, supplementary, and precentral motor cortex during visually guided and internally determined sequential movements.
    J Neurophysiol. 1991 Sep;66(3):705-18.
  2. Shima K, Aya K, Mushiake H, Inase M, Aizawa H, Tanji J.
    Two movement-related foci in the primate cingulate cortex observed in signal-triggered and self-paced forelimb movements.
    J Neurophysiol. 1991 Feb;65(2):188-202.

  3. Aizawa H, Inase M, Mushiake H, Shima K, Tanji J.
    Reorganization of activity in the supplementary motor area associated with motor learning and functional recovery.
    Exp Brain Res. 1991;84(3):668-71.


  1. Aizawa H, Mushiake H, Inase M, Tanji J.
    An output zone of the monkey primary motor cortex specialized for bilateral hand movement.
    Exp Brain Res. 1990;82(1):219-21.
  2. Mushiake H, Inase M, Tanji J.
    Selective coding of motor sequence in the supplementary motor area of the monkey cerebral cortex.
    Exp Brain Res. 1990;82(1):208-10.



  1. Inase M, Mushiake H, Shima K, Aya K, Tanji J.
    Activity of digital area neurons of the primary somatosensory cortex in relation to sensorially triggered and self-initiated digital movements of monkeys.
    Neurosci Res. 1989 Dec;7(3):219-34.

  2. Sato KC, Tanji J.
    Digit-muscle responses evoked from multiple intracortical foci in monkey precentral motor cortex.
    J Neurophysiol. 1989 Oct;62(4):959-70.

  3. Tanji J, Kurata K.
    Changing concepts of motor areas of the cerebral cortex.
    Brain Dev. 1989;11(6):374-7. Review.

  4. Kodama T, Mushiake H, Shima K, Nakahama H, Yamamoto M.
    Slow fluctuations of single unit activities of hippocampal and thalamic neurons in cats. I. Relation to natural sleep and alert states.
    Brain Res. 1989 May 15;487(1):26-34.



  1. Mushiake H, Kodama T, Shima K, Yamamoto M, Nakahama H.
    Fluctuations in spontaneous discharge of hippocampal theta cells during sleep-waking states and PCPA-induced insomnia.
    J Neurophysiol. 1988 Sep;60(3):925-39.

  2. Tanji J, Okano K, Sato KC.
    Neuronal activity in cortical motor areas related to ipsilateral, contralateral, and bilateral digit movements of the monkey.
    J Neurophysiol. 1988 Jul;60(1):325-43.



  1. Tanji J, Kurata K.
    [Physiology of the brain--e. Motor activity]
    Nippon Rinsho. 1987 Sep;45(9):1972-7. Japanese. No abstract available.

  2. Tanji J, Okano K, Sato KC.
    Relation of neurons in the nonprimary motor cortex to bilateral hand movement.
    Nature. 1987 Jun 18-24;327(6123):618-20.

  3. Tanji J.
    [Partition of the motor cortex and its output--d. The supplementary motor area]
    Nippon Rinsho. 1987 Feb;45(2):271-6. Review. Japanese. No abstract available.

  4. Tanji J.
    [Partition of the motor cortex and its output--c. The premotor cortex]
    Nippon Rinsho. 1987 Feb;45(2):265-70. Review. Japanese. No abstract available.

  5. Tanji J.
    [Partition of the motor cortex and its output--b. The motor cortex]
    Nippon Rinsho. 1987 Feb;45(2):259-64. Review. Japanese. No abstract available.

  6. Okano K, Tanji J.
    Neuronal activities in the primate motor fields of the agranular frontal cortex preceding visually triggered and self-paced movement.
    Exp Brain Res. 1987;66(1):155-66.
  7. Tanji J.
    Neuronal activity in the primate non-primary cortex is different from that in the primary motor cortex.
    Ciba Found Symp. 1987;132:142-50. Review.



  1. Kurata K, Tanji J.
    Premotor cortex neurons in macaques: activity before distal and proximal forelimb movements.
    J Neurosci. 1986 Feb;6(2):403-11.

  2. Gomez EC, Huntley AC, Isseroff R, Tanji J.
    Efficacy of tolciclate solution in patients with tinea pedis.
    Clin Ther. 1986;8(6):694-9.

  3. Yamamoto M, Nakahama H, Shima K, Kodama T, Mushiake H.
    Markov-dependency and spectral analyses on spike-counts in mesencephalic reticular neurons during sleep and attentive states.
    Brain Res. 1986 Feb 26;366(1-2):279-89.



  1. Tanji J.
    Comparison of neuronal activities in the monkey supplementary and precentral motor areas.
    Behav Brain Res. 1985 Nov-Dec;18(2):137-42.

  2. Tanji J, Kurata K, Okano K.
    The effect of cooling of the supplementary motor cortex and adjacent cortical areas.
    Exp Brain Res. 1985;60(2):423-6.

  3. Kurata K, Okano K, Tanji J.
    Distribution of neurons related to a hindlimb as opposed to forelimb movement in the monkey premotor cortex.
    Exp Brain Res. 1985;60(1):188-91.

  4. Kurata K, Tanji J.
    Contrasting neuronal activity in supplementary and precentral motor cortex of monkeys. II. Responses to movement triggering vs. nontriggering sensory signals.
    J Neurophysiol. 1985 Jan;53(1):142-52.

  5. Tanji J, Kurata K.
    Contrasting neuronal activity in supplementary and precentral motor cortex of monkeys. I. Responses to instructions determining motor responses to forthcoming signals of different modalities.
    J Neurophysiol. 1985 Jan;53(1):129-41.




  1. Tanji J, Kurata K.
    Responses of pyramidal tract neurons in the postcentral cortex to tactile inputs.
    Brain Res. 1983 Aug 29;273(2):352-5.

  2. Tanji J, Kurata K.
    Functional organization of the supplementary motor area.
    Adv Neurol. 1983;39:421-31. No abstract available.



  1. Tanji J, Kurata K.
    Comparison of movement-related activity in two cortical motor areas of primates.
    J Neurophysiol. 1982 Sep;48(3):633-53. No abstract available.

  2. Tanji J, Kurata K.
    Recent studies in the supplementary motor area with a technique of single unit recording from behaving primates.
    Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl. 1982;36:378-84. No abstract available.



  1. Tanji J, Kurata K.
    Contrasting neuronal activity in the ipsilateral and contralateral supplementary motor areas in relation to a movement of monkey's distal hindlimb.
    Brain Res. 1981 Oct 5;222(1):155-8.

  2. Wise SP, Tanji J.
    Neuronal responses in sensorimotor cortex to ramp displacements and maintained positions imposed on hindlimb of the unanesthetized monkey.
    J Neurophysiol. 1981 Mar;45(3):482-500.
  3. Tanji J, Wise SP.
    Submodality distribution in sensorimotor cortex of the unanesthetized monkey.
    J Neurophysiol. 1981 Mar;45(3):467-81.

  4. Wise SP, Tanji J.
    Supplementary and precentral motor cortex: contrast in responsiveness to peripheral input in the hindlimb area of the unanesthetized monkey.
    J Comp Neurol. 1981 Jan 20;195(3):433-51.


  1. Tanji J, Taniguchi K, Saga T.
    Supplementary motor area: neuronal response to motor instructions.
    J Neurophysiol. 1980 Jan;43(1):60-8.
